Overwhelmed? Overworked? Over-exhausted? It's time to simplify your soul my friend!
Get my Top 12 Simplicity Tips today for instant release of overwhelm!
Join Our 5 Days To Simplicity Challenge! Over the next 5 days you will have practical tools to instantly put into place and begin simplifying your life. Simplicity is well within reach friend. All you have to do enter your email to take the next step.
Join Our 5 Days To Simplicity Challenge! Over the next 5 days you will have practical tools to instantly put into place and begin simplifying your life. Simplicity is well within reach friend. All you have to do enter your email to take the next step.
Yes! This Challenge Is For You If...
We live in a world that wears the badge of busyness proudly. When you ask someone how they have been, I'm sure you have received the common response.."I'm good, just busy!" We thrive on busy, all the while not recognizing how much it is destroying our souls and robbing us of peace.
On day 1, we are going to work on shifting your mindset from the American way to a countercultural way of thinking. Before you can begin to simplify, you have to realize that it is even possible. Not only possible, but actually the way we were designed to live. Getting into a simplified mindset is key #1 to a simplified soul.
A good friend once said to me "we can do anything, but we can't do everything." In that moment I was trying to do it all and the fruits from my life were showing it. Fruit of stress, anger, and irritation...all the things I didn't want my children to remember me by.
I had to recognize and realize that I couldn't keep trying to do it all. Instead I had to narrow down life to my top 5 most important things. I like to call them my big rocks. On day 2, you are going to get crystal clear about your top 5 most important things. This is where all decisions must stem from. And let me be clear, life doesn't allow room for much more than 5. Prepare yourself to start letting go of some things.
Now that you know your top 5 most important things, we are going to walk through how to actually maintain a schedule that puts these things onto your priority list. This is going to require some saying no. This is going to require some letting go. In order to say yes to the best, it requires letting go of the rest.
If you trust me with day 3, you will start to see some major breakthrough when it comes to your peace, joy, and overall excitement for the things that matter most. When we learn to work the important things into our priority list, the other things easily start to disappear and mental space frees up.
There is so much power in purging. We are going to not only begin to purge material things, but also things like email notifications, apps, junk mail, etc.
Whether you realize it or not, all the things begging for your attention are taking away from your big 5. Your top 5 most important things need space not only physically, but more importantly mentally. We are going to purge and you are going to find so much power in it!
This final day may be the most important of all. It's so easy to fall back into a lifestyle of hustle and bustle, even after we have had a taste of simpler.
We must be surrounded by community of other like-minded people. We must remember the reasons why we are choosing simple on a daily basis. Day 5 will remind you of this. Now let's simplify!
Erica Hostettler created The Simplified Soul out of her own need; a simpler, more peaceful life. As a mom, wife, business owner, homemaker, friend, daughter, sister...the list goes on...she was feeling overwhelmed with all the titles.
She also began to realize that while all of the titles seemed important, she was actually missing out on the most important titles of all in the midst of her overwhelm. Her family was getting the stressed out version of her, instead of the peaceful version she longed to be.
So she set out on a journey to discover simpler. Over the course of a few years she let go of her fitness studio, traveled the US in a RV with her babies, re-opened her fitness studio, and then discovered busyness, stress, and overwhelm just wasn't the life she longed for. She also discovered that simplicity actually was possible. Inside this challenge, she will help you begin to discover simplicity as well. Your soul deserves it friend.
It's time to simplify your life.
Contact Us By Email: ericahostettler13@gmail.com
The Simplified Soul © 2025. All rights reserved.